Nyepi: Bali’s New Year's Day of Complete Silence Nyepi is the most important and sacred Hindu holiday on Bali and is a general public holiday in the rest of Indonesia, commemorated every Isakawarsa (Saka new year) according to the Balinese calendar ( in 2020 , it falls on March 25 , Saka New Year 1942 ). Nyepi Day in Bali is a New Year’s celebration unlike anywhere else on the planet. Also known as Bali’s celebration of the Saka New Year and the Bali Day of Silence, it is ultimately the quietest day of the year, when all of its inhabitants abide by a set of local rules that brings all routine activities to a complete halt. The roads all over Bali are void of any traffic and nobody steps outside of his or her home premises. Most Balinese and visitors regard it as a much-anticipate d occasion. Expats and those coming from neighbouring islands prefer escaping Bali for the day due to the restrictions that surround this observance. Some visitors check coinciding dates ahead...